Cookie Policy

The Fontezoppa Agroforestry Company of Piero Luzi & C. saas,proceeds to the processing of your personal data in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 and any specific local regulations applicable to the protection of personal data. Below, all the information regarding the procedures followed for the collection, through cookies and / or other monitoring technologies, of the information provided by visiting our site

This Notice integrates the general Privacy Notice of the Site, to which we refer for anything not detailed here.

1) What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website places on a user’s computer. These data are stored before being re-transmitted to the same site on the occasion of a subsequent visit by the user. Cookies allow you to identify and recognize the device that accesses the site but not who is using it.

2) What are cookies used for?

Web pages have no memory. A user who navigates from one page to another within a website is not recognized as the same user on each of the pages. Cookies allow the website to recognize a user’s browser. Cookies are therefore mainly used to remember user choices (e.g. the language spoken) and to recognize recurring visitors to a website.

3) What types of cookies are used on our site?

a) Technical Cookies,
They allow you to view, to make it work correctly, to create an account, to log in and to manage purchases and various activities. Technical cookies are essential for to work properly. These are cookies that, for example, allow the recognition of the selected language and the country from which the user connects to the Site. These cookies, recognizing the new access, prevent the user from having to enter data each time. For example, if the user has selected items for purchase in the web-store but has not completed the purchase process, he will be able to resume and finalize the purchase the next time he accesses the site. These cookies are necessary for the functioning of our website and cannot be deactivated, without compromising the functionality of the same. At the moment we only use our own cookies on our site (first part).

b) Analytical cookies (third party)
The Site uses these cookies, of only “third parties”, to collect information on the use of the same. These cookies, also known as performance (or performance) cookies, are used to collect data in anonymous and aggregate form regarding the methods of use of the Site, for example data relating to access or data relating to the sites of origin, for example elaborate statistics on navigation methods or on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns or data relating to any technical criticalities that occurred during navigation.
All information collected by this type of cookie is in aggregate form and therefore no user identification data is collected
These cookies are controlled by third parties, therefore the user must read their policies.


Privacy Policy


Google Analytics

Google Analytics Privacy Policy

Google Analytics Opt-Out

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg Privacy Policy

Crazy Egg Opt-Out


Vivocha Privacy Policy

N / A *


c) Commercial cookies and profiling
The site uses these cookies, only from third parties, to note the preferences detected during each visit and create profiles that allow you to send messages that better match the preferences and interests of users, for example to show advertisements on also on others. websites (retargeting activities), based on previous visits that the user has made on the website. These cookies are usually placed by trusted third parties (eg Google Ads, Yahoo Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook, Atlas, Amazon etc …).

d) Social Network Cookies:
Our site uses these third-party cookies to allow the user to interact with social networks (Facebook, Twitter …) and in particular to share site content through these social networks. Therefore, the user must read the privacy policies and the use of cookies of the social platforms to which he is registered.


Privacy Policy



Facebook Privacy Policy

Facebook Opt-Out

Google Plus

Google Plus Privacy Policy

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LinkedIn Privacy Policy

LinkedIn Opt-Out


Gmail Privacy Policy

Gmail Opt-Out


Outlook Privacy Policy

Outlook Opt-Out


Twitter Privacy Policy

Twitter Opt-Out


4) Acceptance methods:
The user, through the brief information displayed in the banner, can give his consent to the use of cookies: by clicking on the OK button, closing the banner with the X button, by clicking on any element of the contents inside the pages of the site. Continuing browsing in the absence of a specific choice of consent management is equivalent to granting consent to the use of all cookies.

5) How long do cookies remain active? Revocation and release of consent uses cookies of varying duration. The maximum duration, which affects only some of our cookies, is 180 days. All cookies can be deleted from the browser at the user’s request, at any time. By making changes to the browser settings, you can choose which cookies to withdraw consent for. To access the browser settings you will have to view the procedures of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera etc. we point out that the complete disabling of cookies from the browser could compromise the correct functionality of some sections of the site such as the normal navigation between web pages, the ability to make purchases etc …

6) Does the Fontezoppa Agroforestry Company control my online behavior?
No. The Fontezoppa Agroforestry Company. analyzes, for statistical purposes, the behavior of users only within the website. The user may receive advertising material from Azienda Agroforestale Fontezoppa on different sites (retargeting), based on the user’s behavior on the website. This information is anonymous. Outside of, we do not follow the movements of our users.

7) For information and contacts
Data controller: Fontezoppa Agroforestry Company with registered office in 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) at Contrada San Domenico n 38.