Walk in the vineyard

Walk in the vineyard
What a Pleasure Walk, Tasting in the Vineyards

Taste excellent wines and stroll along the rows that produce them, among the scents and colors of the upcoming autumn.
Walking through the regular expanses of the vineyards as the leaves take on the warm colors of the coming autumn and the ripe bunches are harvested to be transformed into wine is an intoxicating experience.
Getting lost in the rows and headlands, feeling the intense scents of the earth and vineyards, bunches and vine leaves, touching the vine leaves tinged with almost autumn and sipping a good glass of wine. These are just some of the emotions we will experience on Sunday 22 September. Let yourself be guided by the friends of 4 Passi che ci Passa.
The itinerary allows the slow walker to know how to best cultivate grapes and how to produce excellent wine.

Two recommendations before leaving: this is a journey to be savored slowly, wearing comfortable shoes, perhaps suitable for dirt roads ..


5.00 pm Meeting at the Naturino Falc spa car park in Civitanova Alta.
5.30 pm Start of the walk through the vineyards of the Fontezoppa Cellars.
7.15 pm Wine tasting experience of the cellars. Fontezoppa. Savoring delicious snacks prepared by the chef Simone Scipioni of the Locanda, accompanied by the excellent wines of the Cellar. The possibility of tasting a glass of bubbles, white and red.

Participation fee: 10 euros.

For info and reservations:
Registration is compulsory no later than Thursday 19th September.
For info and registration contact Sergio at: 391 3212894

Suitable for children